Writing & other encounters
Content types
- Plays (7)
- Warlike Collage (3)
- The Dybbuk (3)
- Twenty Two Pictures (3)
- Cheruta (3)
- Grace (3)
- Ruthie Osterman (2)
- Theatre du soleil (1)
- Arian Mnushkin (1)
- Iphigenia in Aulis (1)
- Euripides (1)
- Sophocles (1)
- Antigone (1)
- Performance Practices & Research (1)
- I am. I am. I am (1)
- ZSPERA'42 (1)
- Postal Delivery to God (1)
- Babylon Beyond Borders (1)
- Bush Theatre (1)
- Live Stream (1)
- Up Next (1)
Babylon Beyond Borders
/still_images]Image by Wasi Daniju
Press & Reviews
UK press
Skin Deep Magazine – an interview with Ruthie Osterman
Radio- London Live- an interview with Ruthie Osterman
TV- An interview with Ruthie Osterman on Sky News
Alondon (Israeli magazin, in Hebrew)
USA press
BRAZIL press
SA press
Babylon Beyond Borders - R&D workshop
[/still-images] Conversation about Afrotopia. The Zambian “Afronaut” Who Wanted to Join the Space Race
Mujica – an inspiration
Chaplin – a possibility
Second day
We have started the day with “meet and greet” with the Bush Theatre’s staff. This is a beautiful tradition when all staff members are coming to welcome new artists/company who are coming to work in the building. Really beautiful and inspiring. We will meet the staff again for a sharing at the end of the workshop. Many people have helped me to make this workshop happen and to realize my vision for this international collaboration, many people also thought that it’s too ambitious, too conceptual, and mainly depend on budget. If there is something that I have learnt from doing international collaborations is that I must imagine that it’s already happened. There is no question about it, it’s already happen.
Then each one of us shared his/her vision, gave some background and political and social context to his/her location. What is the Market Theatre? Harlem Stage? What does it mean to work in the heart of São Paulo? And in the middle of London – the modern Babylon? From post Apartheid to Brexit to Brazil’s elections and to gun in school in Harlem. Is there a link?
We had prepared a list of questions for people from our communities. We answered those questions ourselves, Sarah was thinking of writing a song out of it. Questions. Mwenya was sharing with as a Ted lecture by Taiya Selasi, who suggested to ask alternative questions. Don’t ask where I’m from, ask where I’m a local.
Don’t ask where I’m from, ask where I’m a local | Taiye Selasi
Afternoon we invited Julian Mayard Smith, the Artistic Director of Station House Opera to speak with us about his telematic performances. Their interesting works Dissolved and Home in London & Gaza are very inspiring. Julian explored how to do something using technology that you cannot do on stage? How to occupy another space? Using live stream, you can allow one performer in London to walk in another space in Gaza, as if you are a ghost.
Card & Rules
We put all the “cards” we had on the table. Actually, I should say on the wall. By cards I mean scenes, ideas, fragments. And we were starting to discuss them, refined them, and choose the best. We also agreed on our “Dogma rules”.
Beyond the archiving principle
The Artefact “Beyond the archiving principle” presented at the C4CC (Centre for Creative Collaboration), London, 2013.
I am. I am. I am.
Photo taken from the process of creating the body-cast.
Photo taken of using one of the body-cast in the performance.

Postal Delivery to God
Warlike Collage
The Dybbuk
Photo Book
Twenty Two Pictures
About me